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Round 3 MLCF Steer Report Covered by Cowboy Insurance

Writer's picture: aroundthesaddlehoraroundthesaddlehor

Updated: Nov 29, 2024

Round 3 of the Maple Leaf Circuit Finals is here and we’ve got the Steer Report Covered thanks to our friends at Cowboy Insurance.

Round 2 got even softer last night with only 3 catches and I know I said it last night, but expect it to get tougher tonight. These guys will really know what they have now and have a good idea of the start, expect to see a 4.5 or faster take the round.

Here’s who has what for Round 3:

Kolton Schmidt & Tyrel Flewelling: #250- This is the steer that Grady Quam & Brady Chappel went 5.1 on to win the 1st Round. And then Logan & Keely Bonnett took a NT on in Round 2. Average minus on the speed and a real hard step to the left.

Trey Gallais & Logan Cullen: 206- This is the steer that Bonnett’s had in Round 1 and come up empty on. Kavis & Denim run him last night and got him wrangled in 7.4 for 3rd. He started really good, ran average and looked like he just took a money step to the left. Expect Gallais & Cullen to be back at the pay window on him tonight.

Tate & Kagen Schmidt: 220- Trey Gallais & Logan Cullen went 6.7 on this steer the first night for 3rd. Quam & Chappel took a NT on him last night. Look for the Schmidt’s to get back in the money tonight and with last night’s no time, they could get FAST.

Levi Simpson & Riley Wakefield: 226- This is the steer Derrick Hadland & Jackson Braithwaite went 4.6 on but broke the barrier the first night and then Schmidt & Flewelling missed him last night. Super great steer, left good and opened up to heel for Braithwaite on night 1, Schmidt just didn’t connect on him last night. I really like the looks of this steer and think it will be a good one for Simpson & Wakefield to connect on.

Derrick Hadland & Jackson Braithwaite: 208- This is the steer Levi Simpson & Riley Wakefield ran the first night, started good, stronger & straight. Tee & Tyce McLeod took a NT on him last night. Average and a touch left. These boys are leading the average right now, I’d expect a business man run from them. It’s Braithwaite’s birthday so you know he’ll be ready to party and even Ray Charles could heel behind Hadland right now.

Logan & Keely Bonnett:🤑🤑Money Steer 235- Tate & Kagen went 6.1 on this steer last night for 2nd, they made it look easy on a little stronger steer. Tate did a good job setting up the run and Kagen absolutely heeled him. Last night Derrick Hadland & Jackson Braithwaite stepped it up another level on this steer, they went 4.9 for 2nd, a run that looked real easy for them. Should be the steer the Bonnett’s need to shake the monkey off their backs.

Tee & Tyce McLeod: 248- Kash Bonnett & Logan Spady had this one the first night and took a no time. A stronger steer that faded left, Kash pulled out a BIG HOOK on him but he just didn’t set up as clean as some of the other steers. Levi Simpson & Riley Wakefield took a No Time on him last night. Maybe a little stronger and a step or two to the left. I really expect the McLeod’s to break the ice tonight and head to the pay window.

Kavis Drake & Denim Ross: 219- Kolton & Tyrel run this steer the first night and went 5.5 +5 and he looked good. Gallais & Cullen ran him last night, and he was slower and set up, might take some strategy to get by this one tonight, especially with these 2 boys hanging in the average right now. If anybody can get by this steer for a round win, I’d bet on the 2024 Canadian Champion header and his hot dog partner, Denim Ross though.

Kash Bonnett & Logan Spady: 210- Tee & Tyce McLeod’s from Round #1 and the Schmidt’s from round 2. He is stronger and left but we seen what these boys did last night on a similar steer… it shouldn’t affect them.

Grady Quam & Brady Chappel: 231- Kavis & Denim’s from night 1 that they maxed out the penalties on. This is also the steer that Bonnett & Spady won Round 2 on with a 4.8. A touch stronger and a little left. After a No Time last night, they’ll be looking to get back in their winning ways and this steer should help them do so.

Just like with tonight’s steer report, Cowboy Insurance can have you covered in your day-to-day life. Be sure to check them out if you’re looking into protecting yourself and your family!

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